Welcome to the brand new pent.blog!

When I tried to install Hugo (the software powering this website) on Windows a couple of months ago, I couldn’t get it to work. On Linux? No problems. First try. It just works! ™️ Unsurprising, I know.

I created this website because I was starting to accumulate up a bunch of tiny, unused static websites that could have been merged into one. From now on, I’ll just put my public writing projects here and organize them with tags.

The Root Cortex website is still going to be its own thing. I am liking Hugo over Jekyll and think it would be especially beneficial for a documentation heavy website that needs to run fast, so I’m going to convert it to Hugo as well. There are some veeeeery attractive Hugo themes for documentation sites. I’m hoping I can make the site look fun and green; I don’t love how it looks right now.

Right now, the only content on pent.blog is two of my character info sheets for FFXIV longform roleplaying: Angel and Zumi. I might ramble about writing and web development stuff on this blog, but who knows? It’s mostly just a fancy landing page for contacting me, since I don’t really use centralized social media platforms.